COVID-19 Preparation
As everyone knows the world has been upended in 2020 with the advent of the Coronavirus. From our point of view, dental surgeries have always had to maintain the highest standards of cross infection control and at Maccurtain Street we take that obligation very seriously.
That’s not to say that some procedures haven’t changed this year. For the moment walking in without an appointment is impossible at our dental surgery and visits are strictly by appointment only. We need to know who is coming to our surgery and in what numbers so that we can ensure social distancing guidelines are followed.
Upon arriving at our dental surgery you will be asked to sanitize your hands. You will be provided with your own couch whilst you wait and waiting times will be kept to an absolute minimum.
Our receptionist will ask you some questions to verify that you haven’t to the best of your knowledge been exposed to Coronavirus, are displaying any of the symptoms or have been travelling to a high-risk area. Your temperature will be taken. Double bookings will not be made and only one person will be at the reception at any one time.
The same is true for the bathroom area. Masks are worn up until the dental surgery by all patients. Ideally, you would come to your appointment on your own but we understand that some people will require a carer and also that it may not always be possible to arrange childcare. If you are accompanied we would ask that you would stay together on your own couch and confirm all members of the parties corona status, not just the person who has the appointment.
We have an air filtration system in operation. All instruments are sterilized in the most modern and powerful autoclave. Many instruments are nowadays single-use and disposable. At times of high demand, you may be asked to wait in your car prior to being called to your appointment. At the completion of your appointment, you may sanitize your hands again whereupon our receptionist will open the door for you so that you do not touch any surface before leaving. We find that our building is uniquely suitable to social distancing and there’s plenty of room to stay apart with separate couches and a long reception desk.
Get in Touch with us Today
Please call or email us via the contact form and we respond to you as soon as possible.
Contact Info
Phone: (021) 450 1306 / (021) 450 1250
Email: [email protected]